New Coat????
Mama's had some time off work here and there during the holidays. She's taken advantage of it by taking me to the park near where we used to live. Even though it's further away and means more time in the car, I have buddies there and mama says I do much better at that park than the one close to our house. But it was cold this morning. Yes, it does get cold sometimes in Tucson. It was below thirty the past few nights! So this morning, before going to the park, mama ran to the store and bought me a coat to help keep me warm (especially in the car, since she has to leave the window open a little bit to help prevent me from getting car sick). Mama says she's not much into dog clothes, but she does think coats or sweaters can be good.

Izzie - I think you look fabulous in red!!
My human gave me a red coat last winter that Butchy and Snickers Mom made. It is really pretty but I really didn't get to wear it until this year becasue we had a warm winter last year.
Any how wanted to give you lots of happy holiday wishes! Have a wonderful New Year!
Hi Izzie,
You don't look fru-fru at all! I should know, because my Mom also bought me a red coat to keep warm on cold, rainy days. I think red rocks!! Thanks for checking out my blog, I love yours, too, and have set up a link. I'm looking forward to keeping up with your adventures in 2008.
xoxo - Bella
BOL, Hey fellow Izzie! Our name rocks, guy or girl!
We love your coat, we think red is quite manly.... you look very dapper and handsome...
Hey, we're having a New Year's Bash over at the Corgi Lounge New Year's Eve into the New Year... we'd love it if you came by... and bring your friends!!!
(sleepovers are totally welcome!)
M & I
You look great, no worries!!
Mom's been dying to come back to AZ for a visit, she looooves the Carefree/Cave Creek area. She says we can't come though.
BTW, everytime we visit your blog we think how nice it looks. :)
Tucker & The Brats
Awwwe, gee, shucks. Thanks. My Aunt Donna made the header for me and mama helped me do the rest. You should go see Aunt Donna at She's a dog lover, too.
red rocks! next time we visit our grammie in Tucsom we must snif butts!
love licks & waggin TX tails
Nothing wrong with red. You look good. I think red is a good color on you!
I think your red coat looks very smart - not frou frou at all!
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