Pawsome Post #3
What makes Marvin's Blog even more exciting is that it includes pictures of their home area of Scotland! Mama says Scotland is high on her list of places to visit, not far below her #1 destination of Ireland. Of course, she'll have to get over her fear of flying first.
Go visit Marvin's blog. He is so cute, even if he is a big dog ;).
Hi Izzie, sniffing over from Chris' blog to say hello! Enjoyed reading the story about you posted at Chris' blog.
Marvin looks handsome in that picture, doesn't he?
Hey Izzie! We'd love to have you join us at a Trooper in the Ao4. The secret email is SibeTracker at yahoo dot com. Shoot us a bark and we'll send you the code for the animated gif for your blog. Once it's up, we'll add you to the list!
Tail wags,
and the Canine Kids said,
Hi Izzie,
Marvin is adorable and we're going to sniff over to his blog now.
I saw your comment on Barking Loud so I thought I'd stop by to meet you. Marvin really does look like he's smiling!
It just makes us sick taht Beau was taken from his family. We pray that he makes it back home.
Balboa & Mommy
Yes indeed. Marvin is one handsome pooch. You are one beautiful lady yourself!
Hi Izzie
We think Marvin's great too - love his pic in the sunglasses.
We've tagged you and you can get the game details at our blog
thanks and have fun
abby & rosie
oh Izzie, I am so so so so late in my commenting on the blogs, it has taken me such a time to work my way through!! My Editor in Chief has to read every single one, so it takes such a time.
Thank you so much for posting my picture on here and saying such lovely things about me and my Homeland.
Jeannie says your Mama is welcome to visit us here in Scotland, when she gets over the flying fear! Heck, its not far, just a small matter of a Ocean between us!
I love your Pawsome Post, especially this one!
love and blushing licks, Marvin xxxxxxx
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