18 August 2007

Don't Forget Me, Mama!

Early this morning mama took that camera thing outside and started taking pictures of the weeds growing in the gravel. It was really odd, since she's only taken pictures of me before. I think she forgot about me! I couldn't have that, so I ran over and jumped into the picture just in the nick of time.

If only I'd known then that she was trying to take pictures of the weeds to take to a nursery so they can help her identify them and figure out how to kill them for good, I might have continued to get in the way of her taking more pictures. After all, I think the weeds are yummy and I like having them there!


At 2:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

What gorgeous photos. Thanks for sharing, Colleen.

I found you when I hit the genealogy link on my profile.

I have some cool animal pictures (well, I think so, anyway :-))on my blog, also. And some regular genealogy information if you're interested. So come on over and take a peek. Visitors always welcome.

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Izzie!

I have weeds in my backyard incase you run out of "yummy weeds" at your house! :)


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