This is my tail on a normal, happy day:

This is my tail when I'm either scared or forced to do something I don't want to do (usually because I'm scared of something).

Mama took me to the park today. The one by the YMCA that has two adjacent enclosed off-leash areas. She knows how much I hate those dog runs. She usually isn't a big fan of them either. As soon as I am in sight of one, I either turn and pull away, or sit and pull away. Well, today, mama was MEAN. She PICKED ME UP (I hate being picked up) and CARRIED ME INTO THE SMALL-DOG RUN. Then she put me down. She said it's time I learn not to be so afraid. Before she could even get the leash off me, a Basenji had come up to sniff. I got scared and kinda snapped. Mama scolded me, and I backed away. Then mama unhooked the leash and guess what I did? I trotted along the fence to the other side from where the other dogs were! I was hoping to escape out the other end, but alas there was no gate. I was stuck.
She made me stay in there with her for a little bit. She tried to engage me in a game of toss the ball, but I didn't want to. A few dogs came up to me, but I was focused on the big dogs in the run next door. A little girl did come up to me, and I did let her pet me. And there was a baby cousin Cocker Spaniel in there, too. I had nothing to do with him until we left. Then I walked with him and his parents a little bit. And the basenji and his mom, too. I did okay with him once outside the run area.
I don't care what anyone says. I don't like these dog runs. I'm still scared of them. Guess which tail picture looks the way my tail did at the dog park today?
Don't worry, I don't even get to go to the local dog park. Something about being to snarky with other dogs.
Yeah - tough love sucks doesn't it?
Poor Izzie! It's no fun being scared. I can't go to the dog park because I hump all the boy dogs. Dog Parks aren't for everypup.
Hi Izzie,
I am like you.. I don't soclialise that well with other pups cos they stress me out!
Don't worry, if all else fails, tell your mom that you'll hang out with me (we'll each take a corner of the room)!
Hiya Izzie, you aren't alone. I'm not a big fan of the dog park either. I do love my doggy daycare, though! All the dogs have to pass an entrance exam, so it's a well-behaved crowd. Maybe your Mom can find a good daycare place where you live?
xoxo - Bella
its ok you will learn to like the runs better each time you go. unless a greyhound bites the top of your ear off which is what happened to me at the dog run. BUT I still go!
I dunno, Joe. Mama took me back to the same dog run the very next day. This time she brought my favorite ball. I stood in the corner and shook the whole time!
I feel your pain....I get like that around all kinds of new dog and people and dad are helping me to work on that...
Puppy slurps, Canyon
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