The Great Reveal
Mama is hoping to start her own business soon. She enjoys doing genealogy research. She has three blogs devoted to it! The biggest one is The Oracle of OMcHodoy. Isn't that an odd name? OMcHodoy? That's a combination of the last names of all four of her grandparents! Anyway, go check out her blogs:
The Oracle of OMcHodoy -- chronicles her research over the past three years, along with some stories.
Orations of OMcHodoy -- this is her newest blog, focusing on stories and experiences from her own genealogical perspectives, as opposed to her ancestors.
Only In Genealogy -- this is a blog that may go away soon. It's meant for her fellow genealogy bloggers (aka genea-bloggers) and her to share the funny side of genealogy. But it never really took off. But it is kinda funny.
Oh, so back to the business thing. Mama doesn't really want to do other people's genealogy; she says with the Internet, many people are choosing to do their own as opposed to hiring someone else. What she wants to do is create a business to teach people how to start their genealogies.
She has a name for this business: Regenerations. She thought that was clever since she'll be teaching people to "RE" visit previous "GENERATIONS". She still hasn't registered the name, though. But she does have a logo, thanks to .... guess who? (Answer below).
Hi Izzie
Mona here..just dropping by to say Happy Valentine's day and invite your Mommy to come over to my bloggie and share the roses the Mommy gots today.
love ya lots.......Mona
Hi Izzie, hope you had a great Valentine's Day! Your Mom's business name and logo are great!! Thanks for all the awards, I've been slow to respond but promise that I will soon.
xoxo - Bella
How exciting and interesting. We're sure you'll be a lot of help to your mamma in her new business Izzie.
Abby & Rosie
Very cool!
Good luck to your mum!!
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