27 April 2008

Many Thanks

Many thanks to the following doggies who told me they posted the Animal Rescue Site badge to their blogs! I know that many more have it on there, and I hope they click every single day! Any time you see the badge or the links to the site, be sure to click! Remember, A Click A Day Keeps Starvation Away!

Thanks to:

The Brat Pack


Dory and Liza


19 April 2008

A Challenge

Mama started something new today. She started volunteering at a local PETSMART with a group called "Arizona Greyhound Rescue (AGR)". They go to the store most weekends with a couple of Greyhounds up for adoption and help show the dogs and raise some money. I'm not really sure what a Greyhound is, but mama says even I'd like them if I'd ever met one, assuming the Hound doesn't think I'm prey. She thinks I'm big enough not to worry about that, though.

Anyway, mama thought that it would be so cool to challenge all the Dog Bloggers AND their fans (aka readers) to do something to help rescue animals in their home towns. Whether it be to help or operate a rescue, volunteer somewhere, or donate funds, mama wants to show the world that dog bloggers CARE. If you do anything like that, please leave a comment. If you can't at this time, read on for your chance to help.

Here's the challenge: Mama wants each and every blogger, dog, animal, human or whatever, to post the badge below on their blog for one day, explaining in the post that clicking on the badge will help feed rescueed animals. Then she wants every blogger, dog, animal, human or whatever and all their friends with computers to click on that badge once EVERY DAY for a whole week. She wants everyone to click on the badge once every day FUREVER but the challenge is for a week. Need the code for the badge? You can either email mama at omchodoy-at-comcast-dot-net or go HERE.

Lastly mama wants to know if you posted the badge so leave a comment if you did and mama will run a post at the end of the week with the folks who posted it!


The Animal Rescue Site

14 April 2008

That Time Of Year Again Part II

Here's a real-life version of what I think of mama putting my toys in the pool!

13 April 2008

It's That Time of Year Again

At least it is in Arizona!

Mama filled up my pool. Then she put all four of my balls in there. We'll just see about that!

Three left.
Two left.

One left.

All gone.

I prefer my toys on solid ground, thank you very much!

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