31 March 2009

Thank You, Dulce!

Mama's co-worker, Dulce Lopez, is sooooo talented. Look what she did for me and mama:

Now, aren't you impressed beyond all reason that I could sit so long in one position so she could draw me?

Okay, so I wasn't so good as that. But what a great likeness, don't you think?

Thank you Dulce. Mama and I both love it. Just wait until mama finds the perfect frame!

22 March 2009

Pet Picnic Part II: The Slideshow

21 March 2009

Second Annual Pet Picnic!

Today was the 2nd Annual FamPet Picnic for mama's work. This is an event where mama's co-workers and their families/friends come together at a local park with their dogs and food and leashes and whatever else. We had a good time. Coming up is a slideshow of all the pictures mama took. Until then, here are a few highlights:
The yellow dog is Corina, a co-worker's rescued dog that had heartworm when they first got her. Doesn't she look great?

Mama just loves the above photograph of Lucy and Sophie (or maybe Sofie?).
The man in the left photo is grandpa making friends with Heather's boxer, Cami Jo. Boxers are one of mamas favorite breeds -- next to Cockeranians, of course. Oh, and the dog on the right? That's Roxie, one of the Therapy Dogs at the Children's Clinics where mama works. Roxie is a Gabriel's Angels dog, specially trained to provide comfort to people who need comforting!

Here are a few other pics. There were kids there that never once made me nervous!

And of course, a video of me inside the small-dog run. As usual, I didn't want much to do with the others. I just wanted out of there.

Finally, the announcement: The park was 20 miles away from home, which meant a 40 mile ROAD TRIP! And guess what? I DIDN'T GET CARSICK THIS YEAR!

14 March 2009

Mama Made Me

Mama and I had some company today. She made me be nice. I tried. I tried to make Maggie feel at home.
But look how close she came to me! I cudda touched her had I stretched out my head a bit! She wudda liked that, that Maggie. In fact, all that Maggie wanted to do was play.

Eventually I warmed up to her.

Look how close I let her get later:

I really like Ryan, who is mama's co-worker's husband.

After a while we went for a walk. Now THIS was FUN! You know why? Maggie SUCKS at leash walking. But that's okay, one because she's just a puppy and is still learning, and two, because I SUCK at playing with other dogs. Maggie tried and tried and tried to get me to play with her. She jumped on me. I growled and gave a warning snap. Twice. Mama scolded me, but I didn't know how else to get her to stop playing on me. Notice I said playing ON me not playing WITH me! It wasn't long, though, before we started buddying up to each other.

In the end, mama gave us each a Kong with an ice cube. I chomped on mine, Maggie chomped on hers.

Life is good.

07 March 2009

First Sign of Spring

Some people say that the first sign of Spring is the snow melting (Photo courtesy of: http://www.allposters.com/).
But we rarely get snow in Tucson.

Some people say that the first sign of Spring is the appearance of grass:

But grass can grow year round in Tucson (if you know how, which mama obviously doesn't).

Some people say the first sign of Spring is the blossoming of flowers (Photo courtesy of: www.oadby-wigston.gov.uk).

Well, I guess we get flowers in Tucson, but mama kills plants merely by looking at them.

So what is the first sign of Spring in Tucson?Izzie's first short cut.

05 March 2009


So today mama took this quiz thingie that was supposed to match her up with the perfect dog breed for her lifestyle, right? And she told this quiz thingie that her dog would be an indoor dog, that likes walks and agility, no more than a moderate shedder, that she wanted a light barker (not a heavy barker like me), and that she had a medium sized dog, right? So do you want to know what breed the quiz thingie said she should get?

A German Hound. Why? Because, the quiz thingie said, "The German Hound is a magnificent, hardy breed, attractive in appearance with a shiny, bright coat. Whilst he makes a good hunting companion he is not suitable as a house pet."

She wants an indoor dog, the German Hound is not suitable as a house pet. Yup. Perfect match for mama! Sheesh!

02 March 2009

Feeding People's Pets Part II

Mama updated the newest pet blog on the block, "Food For People's Pets" at www.feedingpeoplespets.blogspot.com. I want all of you to go over there right now and read about a resource that will help people save their pets' lives if they should ever get accidentally poisoned. When you're done getting prepared for an emergency that won't happen once you are prepared, how about clicking on the "Food For People's Pets" badge on the right of either that blog or this one and donating to the program? Help us prevent animal hunger!

01 March 2009

A Rough Weekend

Thursday evening mama came home from work as usual. I greeted her at the door as usual. I led her into the living room as usual. I bent my head down to the carpet, making chewing motions with my mouth, not as usual. Mama said "Drop IT!" So I did as I was told and dropped it.

What did I drop, you might ask? (photo courtesy of http://www.petsareourpassion.com/)

The top half of my left canine toofie. Can you say OUCH? Mama still doesn't know how this happned. There's no evidence of me chewing on something. But she did wonder if I was in pain, as I didn't wimper, whine or otherwise act as if I was in pain. She called "that doctor" and was told to bring me in the next day, allowing me to eat as I could tolerate.

So the next day mama brought me in and guess what "that doctor" did to me? She TOOK THE REST OF THE TOOTH OUT! The nerve was showing through which would be painful. So "that doctor" made me go to sleep, then took the whole thing out! She sent me home with mama with pain meds that didn't do ANYTHING . In fact, I was so distressed this is what I looked like

When mama was sitting on the couch getting ready to eat this:
That's Macaroni and Cheese folks! CHEESE! And I stayed in my crate with the door open the whole time! Not ONE dive-bomb for the food. THAT's how awful I felt.

Mama gave me a pain pill "that doctor" gave her for me, but it didn't do anything to stop the pain. I wimpered off and on all night (mama couldn't give me more because they were a "One Pill every 12 hours" prescription). But don't worry, mama asked "that doctor" for new pain meds, and once that one kicked in, I was feeling much better.

Now, I'm off to get mama to wash out the water bowl in my crate!

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